Circuit Rider News

Before electronic communications, newspapers were commonly carried on horseback from church to church by the ministers who served them.  Since Ministers in those days were itinerant, meaning they served many churches, they often carried the newspaper to each church as they rode their circuit of churches. Thus the paper was named the Circuit Rider for the person who was riding their circuit and delivering the good news. 

Our Circuit Rider is a monthly publication of news articles written by our church members and leaders.  We encourage all members to submit articles.  Writing a CR article helps CONNECT you more strongly with your Christian faith, your church family and your surrounding community, as you grow to express your faith to others.  It also builds your commitment to our church and your comfort inviting others to COME, CONNECT and SERVE with us.

We also encourage you to practice good stewardship of Gods creation by choosing to read the Circuit Rider online rather than receive the hard paper version. Going green by reading online, lets you in on the church news one week earlier than members receiving the mailed paper copy.  Be sure to let the church office know how you would like to receive the Circuit Rider when you call.  ADOBE Reader required.  Click here for FREE Adobe reader if needed.


June 2024

May 2024

Mar-Apr 2024

Feb 2024

Jan 2024 Skipped

Dec 2023

Nov 2023

Oct 2023

Sep 2023

Aug 2023

July 2023 Skipped

Please contact our church office at 425-255-5403 if you would like to submit a Circuit Rider article or email the church office at with an attached plain text document.  You can also send the attachment directly to the Circuit Rider editor at  Articles are due by the 15th of the month for the next months publication.